
The area of Valdaro is directly linked by road and rail with the port in Mantua where the shipping canal Fissero-Tartaro-Canalbianco-Adriatico (Mantova-Chioggia-Venezia) starts, and goes through the basin of San Leone (in Governolo, Roncoferraro) with the River Po.

A complete water network links Mantua with Venice through the shipping canal Fissero – Tartaro – Canal Bianco (White Canal) with navigation possible throughout the year.
There are also services that can transport goods anywhere in the world and balance services that can transport containers; every barge can transport the equivalent of up to 2 trains or 60 trucks full of goods.


The waterway is entirely navigable 365 days a year (135km from Valdaro to the Adriatic Corridor) for ships up to 1.350 tonnes with the opportunity to:
Reduce energy consumption
Reduce the cost of Transport
Guaranteed security and protection of goods
Limit the environmental impact
Develop the movement of goods with cargo and containers

The whole navigation is under the competence of the Region of Lombardy who has assigned to the Provincial Administration of Mantua the running of port authority and of the management of the 1st and 2nd sections of the port.
The 3rd section of the port is under realization that will have an extension of 160.000 sq.m and will be provided with docking bays with a length of 650m


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